epub |eng | 2013-08-15 | Author:Kruk, Edward;

2 Equal parenting preserves parents’ relationships with their children. Just as children need both parents, so parents need their children in their lives. Studies have demonstrated that equal parenting has ...
( Category: Children August 13,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:O'Brien, Thomas M.; [Thomas M. O'Brien]

Child Welfare Courts: Nonvoluntary Interventions The nonvoluntary, social control arm of social institutions come into play with the juvenile court for children and the criminal court for adults. The juvenile ...
( Category: Children August 5,2023 )
epub |eng | 2020-01-15 | Author:Barbara Bennett Woodhouse [Woodhouse, Barbara Bennett]

An Exercise in Triangulation: The Meaning of Money In 2014, I interviewed a seventy-year-old woman, still quite beautiful and widely traveled, who had been born in Anversa degli Abruzzi, a ...
( Category: Children July 16,2022 )